Achieved SEO results in the medical field

Project 1

Topic: Medicine

Promotion period: 02.2021 – 01.2022

Getting to know the company, setting goals and objectives

The site came for promotion in February 2021, with the number of sessions 53 240 per month.

The goal that was set:

Achieve an increase in the number of transactional (commercial) requests to the website;

  • Improving website rankings in search engines
  • Increased conversion – more applications for company services from the website.

Getting started: website audit and promotion strategy

Initial work revealed several key issues that were causing the site to rank low in search results. In order to improve the website’s position, we developed a promotion strategy that consisted of several blocks of work.

Below I will list just some of the types of work that was done to achieve this goal:

  • Technical audit was conducted
  • Fixed technical errors
  • The most complete semantic core is collected and clustered
  • Analysis of the reference mass of competitors
  • A link strategy has been developed
  • Design options for the snipers have been drawn up and approved
  • Optimized meta tags
  • The structure has been expanded
  • Optimized doctor cards
  • EAT factors have been processed

Promotion results

An integrated approach to promotion has brought significant results, and already in October (10/1/2021 – 10/30/2021) we managed to get 104 982 sessions

Project 2

Topic: Rishon Medical Clinic

Region: Kharkiv

Promotion period: 06.2020 – 10.2021

Getting to know the company, setting goals and objectives

The site came to promotion in June 2020, with the number of users 1318 per month.

All traffic received from organic came from branded queries

The goal that was set:

  • Increase conversions to the site
  • Improving website rankings in search engines
  • Increase conversion rates
  • Identifying new growth points

Getting started: website audit and promotion strategy

A detailed analysis of the website revealed critical points that affect the achievement of the goal.

Challenges faced:

  • Multiple duplicate pages
  • More than 300 pages with 404 response
  • The site periodically issued a 500 – server response code
  • Weak structure
  • Poorly optimized meta tags
  • There were no inbound links to the site
  • Poorly distributed internal weight
  • Requirements for YMYL sites are not met
  • Promotion by deliberately non-frequency semantics
  • Problems with indexing important pages

Below are just a few of the activities that were carried out to achieve the goal :

  • Prepared recommendations for moving to another CMS
  • Control at the development stage
  • Recommendations for EAT
  • Eliminated internal optimization errors
  • We moved to VDS
  • Collected a complete semantic core
  • Prepared and proofread content for the pages with the involvement of doctors
  • Prepared design options for snippets
  • Optimized meta tags
  • Optimized doctor’s cards
  • Optimized Google my Business
  • Analyzed the link mass of competitors
  • Developed a link strategy
  • Increased the number of donor domains linking to the site

Promotion results

The improvement in positions and the website’s health led to an increase in organic traffic.


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