Promotion of a young website in the Top 10

Getting to know the company, setting goals and objectives

– is a service company specializing in providing plumbing services in Kharkiv and the region. The company’s website was developed on the WordPress CMS, and at the time of the request, it was a new domain with no history and no link mass.

At the beginning of our cooperation with the company, the website’s positions in search engines looked like this:

The goals that were set for us:

  1. Increase the number of transactional (commercial) requests to the website;
  2. Increase in website rankings in search engines based on the semantic core;
  3. Increased conversion – more applications for company services from the website.

Getting started: website audit, development of a promotion strategy

Analysis of the site revealed several key issues that caused the domain to rank low in search results:

  1. The content describing the services of a plumbing service was contained on a small part of the site’s pages;
  2. On pages with text content, 30 percent of articles were not unique;
  3. The site was slow to load;
  4. A large number of technical errors were found.

To improve the site’s position, we developed a promotion strategy that consisted of several blocks of work. Below we list only some of the activities we have performed to achieve our goals:

  • Collecting the most complete semantic core of the site;
  • Analysis of the web resources of the closest competitors in Kharkiv and the region;
  • Work on internal website optimization – bringing technical parameters in line with the requirements of search engines;
  • Development of a unique snippet design for search results, which improved the click-through rate (CTR);
  • Development of a link strategy and link building – crowd marketing (links and recommendations in social networks, on thematic resources), natural perpetual links on visited websites;
  • Work to improve usability and increase page loading speed;
  • Filling the customer’s website with high-quality and unique content optimized for key phrases;
  • Optimization of Google my business for search queries to attract additional traffic.

Promotion results after 6 months

An integrated approach to promotion has brought tangible results. Six months later, the position of the Santech Sistema website looks like this:

In other words, the site moved from the third to the tenth page of Google search results to the TOP-3 by 23% (+43 queries) and to the TOP-10 by 43% (+81 queries). It is worth noting that all conversions to the site were of high quality for transactional relevant queries: “Plumber in Kharkiv”, “Call a plumber”, “Pipe replacement”, etc.

Results after a year of promotion

We did not stop at the achieved results and continued to effectively promote the site. After another six months, we managed to double the position of the plumbing service’s corporate website (up to 86% in the top 10):

Below is the data on free traffic to the website from Google Analytics. On the screenshot, we can see that attendance growth amounted to 237.74%.

Currently, the site confidently ranks at the top of Google search results for Kharkiv and the region. And the client itself notes a significant increase in conversion and an increase in the number of applications from customers.


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